Sunday 14 March 2010


Yvonne here, I live in the Canary Island and have done for 12 years now, my job (s) have been mainly advising people on how to look after themselves naturally. how to look after yourself from the inside out. I have met many people who are suffering in one way or another, weather it be joints or internal problems, weather it be skin, over weight, under weight, what ever the problems it is in my opinion that if you can use something naturally then that surely is better for you.

Most of the information you will find in my blog, are products that have been passed on by the people I have met over the years, it´s a case of , if you find something that works for you and has helped, then when you meet someone who is suffering, then you pass on the product that has worked for you,

I am now 54yrs old, in my youth I spent most of my time riding horses, and a lot falling off as well, my uncle always said you have to learn how to fall off before you can ride, and boy I did a lot of falling off, breaking a lot of bones on the way, I remember driving through a new housing estate with my young son, (before the housing estate, was the field I used to ride on) on the way through I would say to my son, broke my leg just there, broke my arm where the stream was, went over that hedge, but the horse did´nt , I also remember my mum being brought into the school to explain the bruises on my chest and stomach, where I use to jump onto the horse, and not just the usual way, oh no not me I use to jump on from behind, so got a lot of bruises, any way as the years went on, I started having problems with my joints, (my granddad used to call me the young Pat Smithe, (famous horse jumper) my doctor calls me the old Pat Smithe having arthritus.

I also have a lot of allergies, as I suffer with hayfever and astma, but again, as years have gone on, I have found that a lot of things I use on my skin, or eat, I am now allergic to.
They do say your body changes every 7yrs, can´t wait for the next 7, its got to be better than the last.

Well thats all about me, I could go on and on, all I am trying to say, is that although I am 54 years old, I am not ready for the knackers yard, so if I can, and have, found somthing that can give me more mobility, feel better, have more energy, help me lose weight, help me look younger, have better looking skin, then I want to pass this on to people who would benifit, without stopping medication, or the products that you will find in the following will not interfer with any medication you are on,

I work here in Lanzarote, as a guide, (part time) and when I am on the bus talking, I include a little of the knowledge I have on natural products, a lot of these people have said that I should right a book, all I say on that is "thank god for spell check" as I am the world worst at spelling, so just to say now, please excuse me for any spelling misstakes.

I will be adding various articles on natural products on a regular basis,

I do hope you enjoy the articles , and please tell other people, word of mouth is the best form of advertising,

1 comment:

  1. Hello there, well done with the blog Yvonne... proud of you and miss you heaps. xx
    Lots of love , Louise
